Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Welcome, January Midway SCD 301 class, January 11, 2006

We are going to have a lot of fun, and this class may be one of the most different class you have ever had in college. You will also learn a lot and how to become a reflecive practitioner.

In the meantime, before I email each of you, there is one more small piece of homework detailed in the syllabus that we did not highlight last night. I overlooked calling it to your attention.

Within 48 hours (aim) please register your reaction to each class in a small memo to yourself, say of about 100 words of so. What stood out, what were particular learnings or insights for you, for your own journey? Were you challenged to think outside your box any? Impressions?
Title your entry: "My Thoughts about our Last Class, Jan 10."

Thank you. I am glad we have only 12 in this class. Smaller is better.

Dr. B.


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